Originally Posted by Cd
Aero, my temperature guage goes up to 'normal' level within a few minutes ( like around three minutes or less on a 65 degree day. )
So this measurement is for the temperature of the coolant and not the engine or ..... ?
I'm confused.
Cd,the engine coolant may,and probably will make it to operating temp within a few minutes.The snag is that all the lubricants and fluids,as well as the rubber components of the car will not and can not achieve their equilibrium temperature until the car has gone 22-miles under constant driving.And for every "cold-start" we begin the process over and over,loosing all advantage of a "warmed-up" car.Throw stop and go driving into the mix and it's a double-pronged assault on your gas tank.--------- This is why urban mpg is typically lower than highway mpg,although it should be the other way around.