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Old 01-25-2009, 08:47 PM   #295 (permalink)
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I uploaded the text file of the coordinates of where to drill through the PCB, and where to etch it. One picture is for the bottom side, where the capacitors get soldered, and the other picture is for the top side, where the mosfets/diodes get soldered.

The JPG files are set up so that if you print them, they will be the exact size of a 8"x7" PCB. It's possible to use a 8"x6" board with some of the capacitors hanging over the edges at the top and bottom. I might do that, but then the coordinates would need to be shifted up a bit if you are doing some sort of CNC milling. If you are just pressing the ink directly onto a PCB, then who cares! haha!

The squares in the second picture mean that you have to shave off ALL OF THE COPPER INSIDE THOSE SQUARES! YUCK! That's the trials of using 2 sided PCB!

The third picture you can use if you aren't using 2sided PCB. You can avoid all that dang shaving of copper! That sounds good!

Here's a cool utility that I've found useful! This Circuit Width Calculator and it seems to be OK with 3 ounce copper, as long as you aren't drag racing at 1000 amps or something, so I think 3 ounce will be fine.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	144v 500amp controller layout BOTTOM JPG.jpg
Views:	288
Size:	48.3 KB
ID:	2617   Click image for larger version

Name:	MosfetDiode Board Layout 2 SIDED PCB JPG.jpg
Views:	272
Size:	42.4 KB
ID:	2624   Click image for larger version

Name:	MosfetDiode Board Layout JPG.jpg
Views:	247
Size:	23.6 KB
ID:	2625  
Attached Files
File Type: txt 144v 500amp controller layout BOTTOM TEXT FILE.txt (1.5 KB, 306 views)
kits and boards

Last edited by MPaulHolmes; 01-27-2009 at 07:39 PM.. Reason: added pictures
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