I was reading about vacuum operated CC systems and found this.
Cruise Control Basics
" it sends pulses to a vacuum controlled diaphragm connected to the accelerator linkage. The pulses it sends regulates the amount of vacuum the diaphragm receives. The more pulses, the more vacuum and the more vacuum the more force on the accelerator linkage. The system continues to add vacuum force until the set point speed is reached. At that point the system modulates the amount of vacuum the diaphragm receives in an effort to maintain the number of pulses coming from the speed sensor as close to the stored value as possible."
That sounds like the CC 'brain' is turning an electrically controlled valve in the vacuum line on and off, to keep the throttle cable tension just right..
What if, I cut the vacuum hose in half and installed a Joiner,
But, the hole inside the Joiner would be very tiny.
It would greatly restrict the air flow.
Would this vacuum 'restrictor' slow down the throttle function of the CC??
Keep it from instantly using more fuel, the instant you drive up any little hill in the road..?..
Or, would it just make the CC Brain go completely insane?