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Old 02-06-2008, 03:51 PM   #18 (permalink)
Nomadic Chicken
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Alright, we're going a lot of different directions in this thread.

Some people say they would like to try it.
Some people say a budget controller wouldn't work or would be too inefficient.
Some people say they might be able to build something.

So here's what i'll do:

This Friday I'll pickup a motor.
Next I'll get the donor car.
Next I'll see how many batteries i can cram into it.

Then I'll post up the requirements for this car and let everyone use my car as the guinea pig. I'll take the first schematic that the consensus says will likely work and run with it. Then I'll post up the results.

Hopefully - if it doesn't blow the motor - we'll get a basic open source controller for the community start building on.

Hey, SVOboy, can we somehow make that a EcoSticker contest for them? It's likely that in a few weeks I'll be ready to go and can test the controller.

I'll post up the requirements for the vehicle and the info on the motor (etc..) once i get it all together. In the mean time feel free to keep discussing possibilities for controllers.
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