I think the Tool Ni-cads and NiMHs only run from 3 to 6 Ahr at most. But if you could get a huge amount of them dirt cheap, you could run Series up to 48V, then Parallel 48Vs to get your Ahrs. But because you're on a Scooter, you rapidly run out of space-you might have enough room depending on the body style though.
Now if you had a light, roomy vehicle like a Cargo Trike...I once(after an amazing Flea-market find)entertained the thought of making a battery box containing several 18V, 6Ahr Tool Packs in a 36V, 18Ahr config-but the Power packs would stay in the original casings for quick release, held by simple snug latches. An identical set of Packs would be in a similar setup in the bottom of the Cargo bay, coupled to a Charger, and a hinged lid over that so cargo could be loaded on top.
The theory was-you could run the Trike for 17-20 miles on a charge(more with Pedal Power) reach your destination, change out the batteries in under three minutes(clickclickclick!) and have a fresh Pack ready to go while retaining the option of charging your depleted one...in an emergency(nowhere to charge) your total range would still be 35 to 40 miles plus Pedal before you were completely out of juice!
Sadly, I have no Cargo Trike to test this theory on-so I traded my Dozen $3 packs to Dad for one of his antique potbellied stoves, so he's never without Portable Tools and my Barn is no longer cold.

Still, once i've passed my IT tests and am gainfully employed again I may weld some old Bicycle parts into a 3-wheeled Minicart and see if the Yard Sale Spirits are kind...