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Old 01-29-2009, 04:05 PM   #33 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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It definitely wasn't cheap, but its crisp and bright and has one nifty feature... it can hold a uSD card to store custom graphics and for data logging purposes, so you can put a $5 2GB card in there and have virtually unlimited storage for graphing MPG history or whatever.

The DPAD is a weird circuit, I don't know if all mirror controls are that way. But it has 3 switches in 3 of the corners so it works well with the stock code reproducing any combination of the 3 buttons, or with extra work can be decoded to get all 4 directions. I figured out a neat way to read the slider position with 1 extra wire.

Originally Posted by dcb View Post
That display is sweet FX57, though I'm guessing it was over $100 I had considered the nokia displays too.

As packaged, the mpguino needs button combinations to get into the setup screen and reset trips, not sure if the d-pad accomodates that. I'm sure you were aware of that, just sayin.
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