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Old 01-29-2009, 03:40 PM   #35 (permalink)
Coyote X
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Been messing with the pot mounted across the zener and have pretty much figured it is ok but I don't think it is going to work out for a 100% solution.

I had the scope and laptop in there running along with the mpguino and I can't get a good position that it reads everything. If I set it so it runs good without missing pulses at off idle speeds it reads high at idle slightly. If I set it to read right at idle it misses some pulses. With the alternator unplugged it reads way off.

So Back to the voltage comparator. I think it is pretty much going to need an op amp to be a 100% accurate solution in all situations. Using the built in comparator won't work since it would have to go to polling to find the injector open time and not use interrupts. With an op amp it can be a 8 pin dip chip and 2 resistors. That would read pretty much any injector signal. I will try and build something this weekend and see what I can figure out.

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