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Old 01-29-2009, 07:04 PM   #5 (permalink)
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RH77 -

Originally Posted by RH77 View Post
Hey man...

I used to install upgraded plugs (Bosch +4, Beretta GTZ Quad-4, specifically and other cars) but didn't really notice a huge difference in performance and economy.

The trick is to compare this particular brand of plug vs. new stock plugs. You also mentioned 91-octane. Is that new as well? I did the same with the higher IATs, coolant temps, and advanced timing. I had a pretty big bump with those three and new wires. Don't forget Seafoam!

Long story short, it's hard to tell if the design of the plugs made the difference or any other variable. Nevertheless, it improved!

The 91 Octane is new because gas is cheap for now. If it keeps creeping up in price, I will lower the octane. My mechanic didn't use Seafoam per se, but it looked like the same thing, with lots of white smoke coming out of the exhaust during the cleaning out process.

I'm not on a "Saturn-service-department" schedule anymore, so I think this qualifies as a partial tune-up. I think there is a throttle-body cleaning and EGR cleaning in my car's near future.


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