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Old 02-02-2009, 02:50 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Thanks for keeping us up to date on this build. It is very interesting to me and a lot of other EV enthusiasts. I have been waiting for more information on the components for a long time. And I am getting real itchy.

I am one of the few folks that believe that AC is the way to go with an EV. There are a lot of others who feel the same way. But there are a few things that are stopping most of us. Highest hurtle to get over is the cost.

To get real AC power (like from AC Propulsion) will cost $25,000 for motor, controller. This will get you 200HP.

Seimens no longer makes motors/controllers for EVs.

Azure Dynamics has the AC55 motor along with controller. This motor gives you 105HP (78KW) peak and 46HP (34KW) continuous when using 312 Volts. This combination costs $7000.

The second hurtle is weight. The AC55 is 234 pounds.

I think that given enough horsepower, the weight can be overcome. But still, weight is the EV'ers enemy.

You have hinted that Tom's motor and controller has some neat 'configurable'
capabilities and can be gotten for a lot less that $7000. It would REALLY be great if you can get more information on 'how much' and 'what kind' and 'where can I get one'.

Help me stamp out my itchin' and all those other AC guys out there and post some real information to help solve the dilemma of the scarcity of affordable AC EV propulsion units.

Thanks again for all your expert video contributions.

I want my AC!

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