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Old 02-05-2009, 02:19 PM   #6 (permalink)
That VX guy!
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The VX - '92 Honda Civic VX
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Originally Posted by NachtRitter View Post
Thanks TomO,

The $110 is waaay more reasonable than the $800 that Honda wants!! Still pricey, I agree, but now it's within a reasonable time vs $$ tradeoff area. It'd prolly take me ~ 6 tedious hours to get all those connections soldered...
Also a bit more "comforting" to know that the Honda ECU diagnostics harness has nothing special inside to "buffer" the signal from the external test points.

Maybe I'll look at it as an opportunity to enhance my soldering skillz...
Best way to make your own would be to get the actual Sumitomo connectors and virgin pins and thus create your own harness without having to solder. the problem with that logic though is the fact that Sumitomo connectors need to be bulk purchased in about 1000 or more units at a time. That makes it a bit cost-prohibited unless you were to make some OBD2 to OBD1 jumper harnesses and sold them on EBay to recoup costs. but that would require more time and effort and research.

I'm thinking that if I could convince the $30 Ebay jumper harness seller to sel me a "kit" that would work out better. Or if I could just purchase a prebuilt jumper and just re-pin it.

I'm much more inclined to pay $30 and some time rather than $110. but you're correct in stating that the $110 price tag is much better than the $800 Honda one.

And there is the possibility of the MPGuino and other electronics being mounted in the circuit to change reading, but that would be negligible unless the circuit faults for some reason.

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