Originally Posted by Ryland
If you think compressed air is low matinece then you have never rebuilt an air compressor, and last I checked no one had figured out a good way to make compressed air cars work in cool climets, they just freeze up!
the only advantage that I have seen is that the air storage tank requires just common meterials like carbon fiber and kevlar to be built, unlike batteries that can be made out of lead and a water based acid and are 99% recycled at the end of their life.
Air motor compared to an overhead Cam, fuel injected, catalytic converted, water cooled, Engine computer controlled internal combustion engine??? Yeah.. an air motor is cave man simple compared to that.
As to cold climate? Every mode of motorized vehicle has some issue with cold.. what exactly is the bugaboo with compressed air? Frozen air?

How's the diesel jelling problem in cold weather? Or maybe frozen gas lines due to water in fuel with gas cars? Or just dead batteries. Hmm how's them batteries in the electric cars gonna like 5 deg winters?
If one WANTS to nit pick problems we can condemn every technology.. every human endeavor. I remain as I started.. compressed air pneumatics are by comparison cave man simple, reliable, and low maintenance. And yeah, I have a decent amount of experience with pneumatic industrial machinery.
Lemme know when every auto mechanic on the planet rejects his air tools.