We were told in our wind and solar power classes that the average house used 900kwh per month, mine is around 400kwh for 3 people in the winter with an electric stove and electric hot water heater and some big fans on our furnace that run alot.
Originally Posted by Frank Lee
Hmmm never thotta that.
Another interesting thing they said was "average monthly] residential usage was 1300 kwh".  <I looked just like that and said I could be thier poster boy for conservation as I'm usually under 200 kwh/mo and in twenty years haven't gone over 350 (I don't think). So I sez to the guy next to me I sez, "does that sound right?" and he sez "I average 1300/mo". But then he went on to explain that he has two color TVs going 24/7... oh, and wunna them $400 magic electric space heaters... 