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Old 02-09-2009, 09:58 AM   #2 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Location: Lincoln, England
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Tobaloula Rusttbukkitt - '95 Citroen Ax Elation
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I used the commercial versions of this tech in my DT class a few years ago. It's really simple so I think it would be a great idea for aero-modding.

As for your particular idea, I think it could work using a black metal strip. However, it will have to be really sunny to heat it to the correct temperature, plus it would take hours to heat up. With that in mind, it might be worth just going to a school and asking to use their equipment. I'm sure whoever is in charge of the technology classes would be interested in helping you out.

As for the thickness of the plastic, I'm not sure that 1/8th of an inch would be heavy enough stop vibrations at high speed unless it is secured very well. You also have to remember that at the point it is bent, the plastic is streatched and will therefore wont be as strong as it would be normally.

I'm not sure if there are any other methods of doing this without getting it done commercially so I can't help there. Good luck.
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