Originally Posted by JohnnyGrey
...The reason it's called a torque CONVERTER is because it converts some of the RPM on the input shaft to additional torque on the output shaft.
Only when it isn't locked in!

By far the most of them lock in pretty quickly, and while I haven't taken the time to look up the studies, the Big Boys generally will try to make pre-lock slippage occur at a fairly efficient RPM. (other modders insert arguments at will...)
It seems to me that trying to mess with slippage won't gain you much, unless you spend most of the time in Stop-and-Go driving. If you have the money, those fancy take-apart re-stallable TCs would be about the only way to take matters to the nth degree.
Originally Posted by JohnnyGrey
...It doesn't do this as efficiently as a set of gears,
Whew! I ain't touchin' that can of worms...