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Old 02-09-2009, 07:34 PM   #14 (permalink)
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I was always under the impression you could leave your controller in place but use a contactor to put a battery in series between the motor and the controller giving higher CONTROLLED speed. Basically that battery would always be pushing through the motor & flyback diode so you would need to have sufficient speed so you don't push too many amps. Also note that the battery on the flyback side would always be pushing current even if you try to let off the gas (which is a bad idea in this configuration).

Issue is you can also fry your controller if you let off the gas without a contactor to shut off the pedal to the motor and you can also fry the controller if it can't handle the increased amp level.

I was positive that a battery on the "other side" of the controller didn't push the volts too high because it was apart of the motor side flyback circuitry, maybe someone else here has done more experiments than I with this alternative method.
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