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Old 02-10-2009, 10:05 AM   #377 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Tango Charlie View Post
Mosfets, PI loops, triggers, eeprom...I dunno what the heck you guys are talking about, but Oprah jokes I GET!
NEVER pull up short on an Oprah joke!
I place full blame on my wife! haha! It's true though. She told me I had to stop picking on Oprah's... um... "black hole like" gravitational field.

MazdaMatt: I can do that serial interface. I need a dang laptop though. Due to living conditions, the computer and the motor controller test area are separated by a rather significant distance. I'll figure out something.

As for constant time for PI loop tuning, since I have the hardware current limiting built in (well, once the dang mail gets here I will), I won't need the current sampling to be very fast. I think I'll execute the PI loop from inside a timer interrupt that will be run about every 1 ms. I think that will work out very nicely. It will simplify the code too. I won't need a slowChangingThrottle, and destinationThrottle anymore.
kits and boards
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