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Old 02-07-2008, 03:44 PM   #2 (permalink)
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honda cb125 - '74 Honda CB 125 S1
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green wedge - '81 Commuter Vehicles Inc. Commuti-Car

Blue VX - '93 Honda Civic VX
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there are a number of reasons that boats have sails, cloth is cheap and light is a big one, the other is that water has very little resistance for the wind, altho it's also reflective, it is pretty well agreed on that if you are near water wind power is the way to go, if you want something a big weird, go for kite power.
solar on a boat is best for powering things like lights, and the radio.
price for solar, just for the panals tend to be $4-5 per watt of output, and you might get 5 hours of sun per day if you are on the water, so at best you would get one watt per dollar per day... not bad, add the cost of a battery bank to that and you have enough to power some lights, add a 5,000 watt motor (like is on a forklift) and sudenly your house is morgaged.
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