Big Dang Motor! No Belt! Mill up to 1.25" steel plate. hehe.

Mill Picture with the top cut off.

Whole mill in the picture. I really like that mill. It's my friend.

See, we're not embezzling your money!

Still not embezzling...

Sort of blurry, so maybe embezzling a little here? haha! no!

LEM Current Sensor!

All of the electronics that came today... ya!

OOh, a closeup of the new fancy mosfets (only 6! anger! More coming soon! flames of anger!) and diodes.

Clamps for the mosfets and diodes to keep them pushed against the heat sink.

ATMega8's! 2 of them, just in case.
I just want to share that it was truly horrible getting that mill into the garage. The shipping weight was over 1000 pounds. The engine hoist worked really well! A student in the math class helped me. It was awesome!