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Old 02-13-2009, 05:46 AM   #10 (permalink)
X-Frenchy: very
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Toulouse, France
Posts: 595

scenic - '01 renault scenic
90 day: 43.09 mpg (US)

megane - '97 renault megane classic
90 day: 72.53 mpg (US)

dennisius - '06 Toyota Prius
Team Toyota
90 day: 69.27 mpg (US)
Thanks: 9
Thanked 34 Times in 23 Posts
Since a couple weeks I have a shorter commute (9 mi. instead of 20). Since a couple tanks I pulse and coast in neutral (engine on) at mid speed (40-55 mph) : .

During last 2 morning I looked at distances coasted when I'm at mid speed. Out of 12.5 km (7.8mi.) I coasted 7.5 km (4.7 mi.) ie 60%
I just look at the odometer when I put in neutral and leave neutral and I mentally sum up the distances. Results yesterday and this morning were coherent : 7.6 and 7.4 km.

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Earth and health are priceless, so are kilotank and AT-PZEV
Best Mégane tank: 1268.9mi @ 77.847 MPG(US)
2008/06-2011/10 saving:
  • 5725.5 kg CO2 (5342.6+382.9)
  • Diesel / Money: 42.17% = 2446.25€ = 3357.26$

megane : thread - kill switch.
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