The saw horses would have to be really small, because I have almost no room in that garage. boohoo.
Hey, check out Ian's latest project! Warning: It's
copylefted material!
OK, so the remaining 6 mosfets came, so I have a total of 12 until the other 19 come at the end of March. I've been practicing the etching on the mill until the mill clamps get here. Man, why can't shipping be instantaneous!? Flames of anger!
I have cool pictures to upload, but my dang batteries are recharging. Etching is extremely easy and accurate to +/- 0.001" now. Actually, I bet I could get it to 0.0005" if I was careful. Just go half way between tick marks. They are pretty wide! Hmm... Ben's working too fast! Slow down, you spicy meatball! I guess it's good to have longer range at 72v.