A thought that hit me as I read the above post... what about a SG Xgauge that outputs "acceleration" ... this could be a good indicator for hitting that BSFC sweetspot. Am not absolutely sure of the physics, but when accelerating up during a P&G, it could help in looking for that acceleration peak as the throttle pedal is depressed.
I am substituting the dyno by a vehicle at different speeds. So instead of measuring the engine power as heat energy produced by a brake, can we measure acceleration as an indicator of potential energy given into the vehicle mass, to give a similar reading but in a more dyamic setup.
I am leaving my initial thoughts here for anyone with a better understand of the whole thing to take things forward (or debunk my hypothesis!)
In a way, I like this approach because it would be real-world acceleration that would actually factor in rolling friction and aerodynamic drag ...
Last edited by tomlai; 02-17-2009 at 08:03 AM..
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