Bummer I went to my previous college today to pick up a breadboard because I know they had ginormous ones which would be better that a small ratshack special but they no longer sell the breadboards alone and have a kit in a box.They were not going to open the box and I didnt want them to but if it didnt have anthing on the box saying what the contents were I wasnt going to persue it. I have some pcbs, some really light thin ones that would be ok for the control part but I want to make sure everything works before doing any etching. I just think its a good idea to have a mother/daughter board between the control and the major power going through the mosfets and the diodes. Then I finally got an e-mail from the person I bought the tektronix 2213 60mhz oscilloscope off of. I paid for it on the 10th and they just now sent it on the 17th.