My MV Modifying a Dodge Caravan
So I am fully aware how ridiculous it is to expect my mini van to get good mileage. That said, with a low economy car, incremental gains of just a few MPG are more significant. Given that my car is bluff backed, sits a bit high and pretty dang huge, there is a lot of room for improvement.
Anyhow I have done a few things, and I thought I might share, I am working on several mods in the future, I have an overall goal to get my MV up to 40 MPG.
the current state:
-Dual Mirror Delete
-Smooth Wheel Covers
-Interior Seat Removal
-Center Console Removal
-Lower Grill Block
-Roof Rack Delete
-Antennae Delete
My pics are too hi res for EM. I will size them down later. tell me what you all think I should do to it, I want some input.