Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
I would use DataCAD to trace a polyline on the telephoto picture, and then measure the area with the handy Measures menu...report it in square meters or square feet; no problem. Here's two examples using the Aptera; the one on the left is a perspective distorted rendering, the one on the right is a pretty long shot of an actual vehicle:
Using the area from the long photo, the Aptera 2e has a CdA of 0.277 meters. (The hatch grid is 12" squares, btw.)
What would the numbers be if you had corrected the picture for lens distortion prior to working in DataCAD?
I took the long shot and based on the pole (tree?? Note curve relative to the straight blue line I added) on the left and corner of the building on the right, I applied correction for pincushion distortion. Would the DataCAD numbers come out the same for the corrected shot?