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Old 02-21-2009, 08:32 PM   #16 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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You may be right about the Octave... I'm looking at it now. I figure most people run PCs with Windows and have access to Excel.

I don't have much knowledge in the software department. As for test runs and gathering data... not that hard if I have the right conditions and since the program I'm trying to write is customized to the location, I can write it for a common trip of mine and test it every day.

I'm trying to take this one step at a time. Give me the benefit of a doubt. If you aren't interested or have negative comments, find a different thread to hate on.

In much better light, I have created a sort of differential of my route to school. I used and spent about an hour logging the data which I have uploaded for your viewing pleasure.

Taking a quick snip off the end of Road 3 (between the last RL and the end of my route), you can gather several ideas for how to go about calculating the information. If using the trial and error, all of the acceleration equations would change the EP +1 each loop through until a final velocity satisfies the final and initial conditions. Remember, each cell in the excel sheet will be used to solve its own set of differential equations so like I said earlier, MATLAB would be a lot friendlier on the programmer.

A lot of hard thinking has been put into this today. There are various ways one could apply power while on route. I think I'll try tackling them as they come. Its very difficult to decide on my own a set way of doing the math. I believe I will initially start with the last set of differentials first and work forward and then reversing and working from front to back to make sure the system works as it should.

I believe accelerating at a constant rate to 75% of the Speed Limit is a necessity to keep with traffic. Afterwards, the section of the route is calculated maintaining a velocity of 50% to 110% of the Speed Limit.

I know the post is scattered... I've had it open adding things all day long... Any suggestions?
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