This project starts with the liberations of two street signs . . . . from a scrap yard. Turns out street signs get replaced fairly often and recycled. The result is cheap, large sheets of weatherproofed aluminum. Cost was about $37.
The goal was to make a skidplate/undertray. I used the factory undertray to locate the mounting holes. 3/4" square stock was cut to space the plate down far enough to line up with the bumper.
The wings are bolted to the main plate with 1/4" bolts. They are not very strong, so in the event of a collision, they'll probably shear off(a good thing). Also, bolting it together instead of welding took the 'ring' out of the plate.
About 3/4" of the leading edges has been hammer up at an angle for safety reasons.
I've only put about 35 miles on it so far. It does seem to be coasting further. No change in road or wind noise.