So, I got my new tires today to replace the two remaining Delta Majestic's that were on the back of the Lumina. I bought Goodyear Viva 2's from Wal-Mart. Partly for price, and partly because they're supposed to be LRR tires.
In the little bit coming back to work from Wally's they felt WAY better...........
..........After pumping them up from 30 +/- 2 PSI to what I have my front tires at, 52 PSI.
The tires are sidewall 44, and my Tiger Paw AWP II's (which by accident are LRR tires) are also sidewall 44 and handle
wonderfully at 52 PSI, so I made the Viva's match.
I seem to coast better and the car is much quieter now than it was.
I filled up at the same time as I pumped them up, so we'll see whether or not they'll make a noticeable difference....