Some of you know I have an xB show car that is rarely driven. Well its about that time again where I am designing a rebuild for it. This time I may tackle an EV conversion just for the sake of conquering such a task.
As you can see by the picture below, it has a lexan roof that looks like a football field, well while cool looking it never turned out how I wanted. Therefore I want to remove the roof and use the framing and bracing to house solar paneling. The hole is 44x60 or there abouts. Would that work out to serve any useful purpose if I were to mount solar panels in it?
Remember I live in florida, just about sunny all the time and if it does work it would help make the statement. I wouldn't think it would help extend the EV range by any noticeable amount. Otherwise I'm re-skinning the roof and still moving forward with the project.. Let me know .. Thanks ..