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Old 02-26-2009, 10:29 PM   #5 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Airtech also makes at least one old-style "dustbin" fairing, just google "airtech dustbin" for pictures.

Somebody's gonna have to do some wind tunnel work on dustbin fairings in crosswinds before I will mess with them. The Airtech MV one sure looks nice, though.

Also, you guys might enjoy: Schultz Engineering - Electric Motorcycle Aerodynamics

Vetter's still designing fairings like he did 40 years ago, by eye and hand. I think aero engineering has passed by his way of working. But I do like his goal of wanting to make the result a practical ride, and an enjoyable one. I think he picked the right ergonomic position for his goals (feet forward, not head), but he probably would have been better off starting with something he could change the gearing on more easily. If that's a conflict with CVTs in general, I don't know.

My personal opinion on the hp needed differs from his. I think it's a matter of motorcycle safety to have acceleration that can at least keep up with most vehicles around you at low (0-50 mph) speed. 15 lbs all-up weight per hp would be good. For a 350 lb machine with 250 lbs of rider, gear, etc, that means 40 hp. To me 20 lbs/hp is kinda low, and that still means 30 hp - about twice what Vetter ballparks. If you agree with that, then 400cc-500cc is a good range to look in, and even a 650cc single or twin tuned for economy could be a very good choice.
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