I have the new 2 wire throttle with all the noise immunity stuff working now. I only tested the output of the PWM. Next I need to test the hardware current shutdown.
It was super annoying! The AVR Studio people need to change something that is super-de-duper annoying about their program! When you go to program the micro-controller, it doesn't automatically put your project onto the chip, but puts the last project that was programmed onto it! And you can't see what that project is unless you click on a certain stupid box. I kept thinking there were bugs, but I kept uploading an old program from a previous project onto the chip! I even wrecked a dang ATMega8 by plugging it in backwards while trying to figure out why nothing was working! makes me mad! Just have the stupid programmer program the chip with whatever project is currently open! Idiots!
Flaming anger!