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Old 03-02-2009, 01:18 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Call the Judge and ask for a different court date, due to exams and college scheduling. They're usually pretty lenient.

I held off a street racing ticket's court date for nearly a year, and won by default b/c the officer that issued the ticket was no longer employed in the area - he had transferred to another state, and wasn't available to defend his citation.

The only excuse that I ever gave the Judge was "I can't get out of work that day."

Often, that won't work... but you can always come up with something, but never use the same excuse twice, never lie, and don't give in. The worst that can happen is they'll say no.

Inversely, you may be able to re-schedule your exams due to pending court appearance. You'd have to speak with your Prof's and Dean about that though.
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