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Old 03-02-2009, 10:01 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Pasta - '96 Volkswagen Passat TDi
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Hm... the sensor will be two wires sticking out of the reservoir somewhere... and based on your left turn follies, I assume it's on the left side... as you pull through a left turn, and apex, the greatest G-force associated with the turn is generated... this causes the fluid to follow the direction of inertia, making it attempt to go straight, and pull to the right side of the reservoir, which starves the sensor of fluid.

Simply put - When you corner, you're pulling the fluid off the sensor... just add some. Go on a decent drive, use your brakes a bit, and then park somewhere, pump your brakes a few times, with good pressure, and then check under your car. If you don't see fluid, you're probably not leaking.
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