Originally Posted by ATaylorRacing
As far as making a computer controlled tranny shift it would depend on the maker. I knew a guy that used double throw electric switches to control shifts on his 94 Plymouth Sundance. The tranny control computer would activate one soenoid while deactivating another to do the shifts so he rigged up his system to take control of it. As far as having smoother shifts from a FMVB you can lift off the gas slightly during shifts or lower the line pressure.
This was precisely the answer I was looking for... if I could keep the shifts civil or not.
It's very difficult sometimes to jive performance minds with FE minds and get answers that really mean something.. I think sometimes it's hard to get both sides to see the benefits of each other's world of mods.
There is a walkthrough on that link that I posted earlier, and I"ve PM'd the person that created/maintains it... he's on TurboDodge.com, another forum I go to. Once I get some more information from him, it's down to finding a core trans from a local junkyard to start playing with!
Thanks everyone!