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Old 03-03-2009, 06:30 PM   This thread is in the EcoModder Project Library | #1 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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The Fruit Bat - '01 Honda Insight
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Thumbs up 98 Civic Upper Grill Block - A tribute to PaleMelanesian

It's starting to warm up a little here lately (although not today, it's f***in cold and windy out) and I've been getting back into the hypermiling/ecomodding mood. I've been doing P&G with EOC more heavily than ever lately, and it's been working out great in the city. I seldom would EOC unless there was a HUGE hill or long slight incline ahead of me, and I'd never do it in a city setting - I'd do more of an engine ON coast. Now, however, I've been driving in the city with a good portion of the time spent with the engine off. I've yet to see the effect on mileage as I started employing this technique halfway through my last tank, and the SGII can't account for distance traveled while the engine is off. This is one of those things I can just feel though - I can tell its working pretty well.

Anyway, the real point of this thread is that I copied PaleMelanesian's grill block:

I liked it so I copied it. I did some highway driving, but P&G seems ineffective at highway speeds (going up to 65, gliding down to about 45-50). I didn't expect this little mod to give me the aerodynamics to be able to do this, but I'm assuming more aeromods make P&G feasible on the HWY. I'm all stock besides this piece of plexiglass, but Pale is too. Any pointers, or do I have the right idea?

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