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Old 03-04-2009, 12:41 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Pasta - '96 Volkswagen Passat TDi
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Ok, I'll say it this way - No.

The average car runs fine on 87 Octane fuel.

Factually, your static compression ratio has less to do with anything than your dynamic compression (engine running, actual volume of mixture taken in and compressed) and cylinder pressures, which is why you hear about cars that run 11.2:1 compression on pump gas easily (modified cars, very few OEM)

One very simple example is "Mini-Me" swaps. When done as prescribed, they yield a compression ratio of between 9.8:1 and 11.7:1, depending on combination of parts. I've only ever seen one of these builds that couldn't run on standard 87 octane under normal driving, and that had more to do w/ the fact that the guy changed a lot more things around than the standard swap to get over 12.5:1 compression.
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