XFi, Yeah, I miss that civic, it was a dependable, easy to work on, and simple car to own. I may keep the insight, and try train commuting b/w queens and connecticut. Whether I keep the car or not, I feel I should take advantage of the public transpo even if it is slightly inconvenient from where I am, since I have to go to grand central station from queens before I can hop on the metro north train for connecticut. There is another metro north stop at 125th st in east harlem, and if I lived there, It would be 35 minutes to ct, rather than 2 hrs I now face. Fact is, I don't want to live in fear up there and like my cheap, quiet neighborhood.
Thanks for all the advice everyone, I will plant a bike at the train station in ct, and see how the train commute goes during the coming week.