I'm pretty new to this forum.
But i'd like to point out what a massive difference proper maintenance can make. I have a toyota mr2, i'm not really into driving super carefully to save gas, i'm sorry people, i own a mid engine sports car, it's hard to not drive fast at least once and a while
But on to my point, i've been watching my nasty fuel consumption (don't have numbers but it was worse than my moms minivan, way worse) and considering the fact that no matter HOW FAST i drive it, a 1.6 litre engine does NOT use that much gas.
I finally went in and plugged a big vacuum leak, that helped a bit, but i was still looking at a horrible consumption rate. I then realized what it was, the o2 sensor!!
You see, since i have a lead foot, that means the ecu is using the o2 sensor more of the time since i'm on the throttle a lot, and litteraly pouring gas down the pipe (the exhaust pipe

So when i finally put in my new O2 sensor (ok i admit i was having my header put in and new bigger exhaust as well) it made a MASSIVE difference, so much so that i will quite literally recoupe what i spent within a month or two at most. Another plus side is that i'll be prolonging the life of the engine (less carbon build ups) and getting more power!
So even though i still like to rev the nuts off the engine sometimes, i'm getting WAY better numbers in terms of fuel economy, power, and fun (knowing i'm not burning my cash)