Originally Posted by dcb
...So is it just instant that is off? Can it predict gallons needed for a tank refill pretty well?
I think it affects more than just instant because the elapsed time is added to 'tmpTrip.injHius' that eventually is added to the current and tank totals. I was able to zero in on the uS/gal pretty well but only because I did that on a long highway trip with a fillup at beginning and end. Very little coasting occurred.
I've observed that the maximum elapsedMicroseconds value even under hard acceleration is about 1900uS. I'm experimenting with an upper limit beyond which I set the elapsedMicroseconds to zero. Since it jumps from about 250-300uS way up to 11000uS instantly, I will assume that anything higher than the limit represents the flatline signal. I'll make the upper limit a setting parameter so I can play around with it.