Hrmmmmm. Don't know. If the gas in one state is demonstrably more than another state, maybe people would stock up on gas from neighboring states? Like crossing the border for booze.
Uh... heh.. that would be me...
But hey? I live so close to IN, that the difference between $3.11 in IL, and $2.70 in IN says go to IN and buy the cheaper stuff and save money. Oh well *shrug*. that's like saving me 15 bucks at the pump for me.
I really don't know what to say about this... I was planning on keeping my Jeep forever, buying a Geo, and keeping the Jeep until it was a collector. Drive the Geo as a DD, and there we go... I wouldn't mind overall for the tax if I had the geo.
Question is, will they tax you if you don't drive it? It's kinda like Darin paying more for insurance than he does gas every year!
What I don't like tho is they tax you for everything, they tax you for living, driving, owning stuff, etc... and WORKING!!!