Cut into one of the front control arm mounts today to get a look at it.
The place circled in red is where the water and mud gets into the cavity. There is a hole in this one that I am not sure if there is a bolt in it and I just took it out already but it can also let water in.
I recommend everyone who has one of these cars as soon as it gets warm either drill a hole in the cavity and squirt oil in it or use the bolt hole that is shown on this picture. Put lots of oil in there to make sure it coats everything inside. It probably won't run out since the area is sealed at the bottom. Once you have it oiled up good get some silicon sealant and go around that seam on the top and seal it up really well. Also plug the hole if it is empty. Just put a bit of silicon in there so you can dig it out and oil that area once a year or so. Maybe fit a grease plug in there and give it a few squirts of grease every so often might work.
In that lower hole there is probably a 1/2 inch of rust and mud sitting on top of the mount. At least they didn't have 4 layers of metal 1/8 inch apart to make it worse. But with it cut open maybe everyone can see what would be involved with repairing that area for those that are curious. There is a
1280x960 image on my site for anyone that needs a good look at it.