All these chips and extra parts are making it a little hard to follow. Just got internet back (just moved to a new house). Took some time while at work to catch up.
Paul, you program these chips using C, is there any good source you can suggest for someone like myself to get into the language? I used to use QBasic way back and jumped to visual studio 6.0. So basic is about all I know. I have been out some time but want to get back into things. The project looks great. Also you mentioned that you can get double sided 4oz copper boards would that mean 2oz per side or 8 total ozs? I can't wait till Ben gets his hands on this. Seeing the union of the best guys in the ev scene will be great. Will we be seeing them metro tired smoking? I'm sure we will.
Keep up the good work guys. I'm learning so much from you all.