I'm well aware that you can't heat shrink the wire if you don't cut it. That's why I mentioned the hot glue method to seal the wire.
I still never trust crimp taps, because they represent possible impedance in the line versus solder and heatshrink. I've done quite a few wiring modifications and even complete wiring harnesses from scratch, and I've yet to come across a loom that I couldn't tap into with solder and heatshrink.
If you're going to tap the wire and you plan on soldering it backtogether, you just cut the tapped wire at your tap point, so you can put the shrink on. You still need to seal the doubled side of the wire though, the heatshrink will not seal properly there, so you put some hot glue or something that you can shape on the wires before you put the heatshrink over that area.