"Dead of old age"
I think a lot of people would be surprised if they did the math. For instance, one of my fairly regular destinations is 50 miles away. I had passengers go bananas on me because I was going 55 mph- they wanted to go 65 (in a 55 zone). So I figured it out: 50m @ 65mph = 46 minutes. 50m @ 55mph = 54.5 minutes, for a 8.5 minute "penalty". 8 minutes is NOTHING. Yeah, well the ironic part is the two guys among the four of us ALWAYS had to wait around about 30 minutes from the agreed upon departure time for the girls to "get ready". If getting there by a certain time was so goll durn important, alls we hadta do was leave 8 minutes earlier and not try to make it up on the road by speeding. Anyway, sometimes if the whining was loud enough I'd go about 95 mph. Then they'd still whine. There is just no pleasing some people!