Originally Posted by bennelson
I have thought that data-logging, combined with GPS info would be really interesting. That way, you could learn how much power is used going up big hills, in higher speed zones, etc.
We joked about this for Toms Neon conversion, which will have a very nice custom battery management system. Seriously though, I think he might be able to integrate GPS with controller data-logging.
Oh, now you said something. See, I'm stuck with a van (family and all that), and I've been getting 10-15% above EPA in the country by using DWL and coasting in neutral. My wife gets 30% below EPA. Hrmpff. But for better or worse, it's either ICE or Hybrid for the next car -- the grocery store is 10 miles away on 45-55 mph country roads. Just not EV'able, yet.
But I've experimented with my own version of the MPGuino, combining it with a Wii's Nunchuck controller for a tilt sensor, to get an idea of uphill/downhill driving, acceleration, etc. And a TomTom is programmable, so you'd have 3D coordinates, MPG info from the vehicle, a killer-display and SD card storage... record your most frequent routes a few times, and have your PC at home crunch the numbers to tell you how to maximize speed/coast times, or even control the cruise control for P&G.
Dreams... time for things like this is hard to come by, but the technology behind it is relatively simple.