just FYI, Here is an AVR paper on hall effects and BLDC, it really is trivial stuff, not worth jumping ship for. And doesn't introduce proprietary tools into an open source project (always a red flag):
They use a mega88 in the examples, which is just like the 168 in the *duinos and the mpguino, obduino, air flap thing, etc. etc. so there will be some local expertise too. Here is the
C source (ISR needs some help for faster RPMs) (would need porting to GCC)
PHP Code:
/* This file has been prepared for Doxygen automatic documentation generation.*/
/*! \file *********************************************************************
* \brief A brief description of the file is written here.
* A more detailed description of the file should written here.
* \par Application note:
* AVR443: Sensorbased control of three-phase BLDC motor
* \par
* For comprehensive code documentation, supported compilers, compiler settings
* and supported devices see readme.html\n
* Target device: ATmega48/88/168
* \author Atmel Corporation: http://www.atmel.com \n
* Support email: avr@atmel.com
* $Name$
* $Revision: 2441 $
* $RCSfile$
* $Date: 2007-09-18 07:56:18 +0200 (ti, 18 sep 2007) $ \n
#include <ioavr.h>
#include <inavr.h>
#include "sensor_three_phase_BLDC.h"
/*! \brief CCW rotation patterns.
* Configuration of pin drive levels
* and timer COM bits in different
* phases for CounterClockWise rotation.
unsigned char drvPatternsCCW[] = {
0, //Stop
// MC_PORT drive config
PDP2_CCW, //Phase2
PDP4_CCW, //Phase4
PDP3_CCW, //Phase3
PDP6_CCW, //Phase6
PDP1_CCW, //Phase1
PDP5_CCW, //Phase5
// Configuration of Output Compare operation for timer 0
COM0P2_CCW, //Phase2
COM0P4_CCW, //Phase4
COM0P3_CCW, //Phase3
COM0P6_CCW, //Phase6
COM0P1_CCW, //Phase1
COM0P5_CCW, //Phase5
// Configuration of Output Compare operation for timer 2
COM2P2_CCW, //Phase2
COM2P4_CCW, //Phase4
COM2P3_CCW, //Phase3
COM2P6_CCW, //Phase6
COM2P1_CCW, //Phase1
COM2P5_CCW //Phase5
/*! \brief CW rotation patterns.
* Configuration of pin drive levels
* and timer COM bits in different
* phases for ClockWise rotation.
unsigned char drvPatternsCW[] = {
0, //Stop
// MC_PORT drive config
PDP2_CW, //Phase2
PDP6_CW, //Phase6
PDP1_CW, //Phase1
PDP4_CW, //Phase4
PDP3_CW, //Phase3
PDP5_CW, //Phase5
// Configuration of Output Compare operation for timer 0
COM0P2_CW, //Phase2
COM0P6_CW, //Phase6
COM0P1_CW, //Phase1
COM0P4_CW, //Phase4
COM0P3_CW, //Phase3
COM0P5_CW, //Phase5
// Configuration of Output Compare operation for timer 2
COM2P2_CW, //Phase2
COM2P6_CW, //Phase6
COM2P1_CW, //Phase1
COM2P4_CW, //Phase4
COM2P3_CW, //Phase3
COM2P5_CW //Phase5
//! Stores the current motor driver pattern.
__regvar __no_init unsigned char *pDrvPattern @14;
//__regvar __no_init unsigned char *pComPattern @12;
//! Used for optimized temporary varables.
__regvar __no_init union _fastTemp{
unsigned int word;
unsigned char LByte;
unsigned char HByte; //Hbyte = Zero
} fastTemp @12;
__regvar __no_init unsigned char hallMask @11; //!< Workaround for internal compiler error
__regvar __no_init unsigned char count @10; //!< Optimized variable decremented every pin change int.
/*! \brief Pin Change Interrupt Service Routine.
* Updates the PWM outputs controlling the low side of the driver and
* the IO controlling the high side of the driver. To ensure a speed
* optimal interrupt the variables used in the interrupt are placed
* in reserved registers (locked for this purpose only). Further, the
* information required to do the commutation is placed in tables that
* are accessed very efficiently using the Hall sensor input signals
* as offset.
* \param void
* \return void
#pragma vector = PCINT0_vect
__interrupt void PCINT0_ISR( void )
unsigned char *pTemp;
fastTemp.word = ((PIN_HALL & hallMask)>>1); // Read Hall, Mask Pins, shift to use as pointer offset
// Line below is desirable performance wise, but causes an internal error in compiler
// fastTemp.LByte = (PIN_HALL & HALL_MASK)>>1; // Read Hall, Mask Pins, shift to use as pointer offset
pTemp = pDrvPattern + fastTemp.word;
// TCCR0A = fastTemp.HByte; //Disable PWM outputs (and thereby close low side FET)
// TCCR2A = fastTemp.HByte; //Disable PWM output (and thereby close low side FET)
PORT_MC = *(pTemp); //Change drive levels on high side
TCCR0A = *(pTemp + PATTERN_COM0_OFFSET); // Reconfigure output compare operation for T0
TCCR2A = *(pTemp + PATTERN_COM2_OFFSET); // Reconfigure output compare operation for T2
/*! \brief Initialize pin change interrupts for PORTB pin 1, 2 and 3.
* Sets up the pins used to sense the Hall sensor signals to generate
* interrupt if the pin level changes (both rising and falling edge).
* \param void
* \return void
static void Init_MC_pin_change_interrupt( void )
PCMSK0 = (1<<PCINT1)|(1<<PCINT2)|(1<<PCINT3); //Enable pin change interrupt on PB1:3
PCICR = 1<<PCIE0; // Enable pin change interrupt0 (PORTB)
/*! \brief Start an AD convertion and return result.
* Starts an AD conversion on the specified ADC channel and returns
* the result when the conversin is completed. Uses polling to wait for
* the AD conversion to complete.
* \param channel Specify the ADMUX register settings to access the correct channel.
* \return adcResult 8-bit result (high byte of AD convertion).
unsigned char Get_ADC8(unsigned char muxSetting)
ADMUX = muxSetting;
// Start AD conversion.
ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC);
// Wait for ADC conversion to complete.
while ( ADCSRA & (1 << ADSC) );
return ADCH;
/*! \brief Initialize motor control timers.
* Initialize the Timer 1 and timer 2 to run in phase and frequency correct
* PWM mode (symmetric PWM). The base frequency is set to 32kHz (can be
* reduced at the expense of lower resolution on the speed control). The
* functions also ensures that the timers are counting in synch.
* \param void
* \return void
static void Init_MC_timers( void )
//Timer Counter 0. OCRA and OCRB used for motor
TCCR0A = (1<<COM0A1)|(0<<COM0A0)| // Clear OCRA on compare match
(1<<COM0B1)|(0<<COM0B0)| // Clear OCRB on compare match
(1<<WGM01)|(1<<WGM00); // Fast PWM mode
TCCR0B = (0<<FOC0A)|(0<<FOC0B)|
(0<<WGM02)| // Fast PWM mode
(0<<CS02)|(0<<CS01)|(1<<CS00); // Prescaler = CLK/1
//Timer Counter 2. OCRA and OCRB used for motor
TCCR2A = (0<<COM2A1)|(0<<COM2A0)| // OCRA not connected
(1<<COM2B1)|(0<<COM2B0)| // Clear OCRB on compare match
(1<<WGM01)|(1<<WGM00); // Fast PWM mode
TCCR2B = (0<<FOC2A)|(0<<FOC2B)|
(0<<WGM22)| // Fast PWM mode
(0<<CS22)|(0<<CS21)|(1<<CS20); // Prescaler = CLK/1
// Synchronize timers
TCNT0 = 0;
TCNT2 = 3;
TIFR0 = TIFR0; // Clear TC0 interrupt flags
TIFR1 = TIFR1; // Clear TC2 interrupt flags
/*! \brief Initialize ADC module.
* Sets up the ADC with prescaler value 4, which means a maximum sample speed
* of CPU frequency divided by 52 (13*4). With the ADC measuring the speed set
* point and shunt voltage, this gives a reaction time of two samples for
* detecting over-current.
* \param void
* \return void
static void Init_ADC( void )
ADCSRA = (1 << ADEN) | (1 << ADPS1); // Enable ADC, clock prescaler = 4
/*! \brief Set motor speed.
* Updates the output compare registers of the timer 0 and timer 2 which
* control the duty cycle of the PWM output and thereby the speed of the
* motor. The method used ensures that that all PWM channels are behaving
* same duty cycle.
* \param speed Compare match value that defines PWM duty cycle.
* \return void
static void Set_Speed(unsigned char speed)
TIFR0 = TIFR0; // Clear TC0 interrupt flags
while( !(TIFR0 & (1<<TOV0))); // Wait for TOV to ensure that all registers are
// updated in the same timer cycle
OCR0A = speed; // Change the duty cycle
OCR0B = speed;
OCR2B = speed;
/*! \brief Set motor direction, CW og CCW.
* Set the commutation table pointer up to point at either the clockwise
* or counter clockwise direction table. Note that it is not recommended
* to change direction without first reducing the speed of the motor,
* preferably stopping it fully.
* \param direction Direction is given as Clockwise or Counter Clockwise.
* \return void
static void Set_Direction(unsigned char direction)
if(direction == CLOCKWISE)
__disable_interrupt(); //Variable also used in interrupt and access most be protected
pDrvPattern = drvPatternsCW; // Set dir to CW, by pointing to CW pattern
__disable_interrupt(); //Variable also used in interrupt and access most be protected
pDrvPattern = drvPatternsCCW; // Set dir to CCW, by pointing to CCW pattern
/*! \brief Main function for motor control example.
* Initialize speed variables to zero speed, and enabled operation in clockwise
* direction. Hence a speed reference input is read from ADC_MUX_SPEED_REF. If
* Current exeeds the MAX_CURRENT_ADC limit the speed (PWM duty cycle) is reduced.
* \param void
* \return void
void main( void )
unsigned char speed = 0;
unsigned char setspeed = 0;
signed int current;
MCUCR |= (1<<PUD); // Disable all pull-ups
hallMask = HALL_MASK; // Initialize hallMask variable
//Set initial direction.
Set_Direction( CLOCKWISE );
DDR_HALL |= HALL_MASK; //Lock HALL sensor by driving Hall lines
PORT_HALL &= ~HALL_MASK; //Release HALL sensor lines and trigger PC interrupt
DDR_MC = MC_MASK; // Enable outputs
DDRC |= (1<<PC1);
for(;;) {
// Get shunt voltage (current measurement)
current = Get_ADC8(ADC_MUX_SHUNT_H);
// If current consumption is too high, limit current
if (current > MAX_CURRENT_ADC )
PORTC &= ~(1<<OVERCURRENT_PIN); //Turn on over-current LED (active low)
if( speed >= 2 )
speed -= 2; // Slow down if too fast.
PORTC |= (1<<OVERCURRENT_PIN); // Turn off over-current LED (active low)
// Get speed reference voltage (Assumes 2.5V to be maximum analog input,
// multiplied by 2 to convert to PWM range).
setspeed = Get_ADC8(ADC_MUX_SPEED_REF)*2;
// Approach speed set point.
if( setspeed > speed )
if( setspeed < speed )