Motor Trend explains Prius' "blockish" front corners / wheel arch interaction
Sorry, but I don't know how to edit down a YouTube video, a 'Motor Trend' Prius vs Insight viideo, but there is about 5-10 seconds in this 4:48 video where the presenter claims: - blunt front end near lights - directs the air from the front out so it does not interact with the wheel well air and this reduces reduce drag (I'm skeptical!) If he'd suggested upwards to avoid the side, maybe, but directing the air out further from the sides strikes me as a great way to induce early flow separation and drag.
- rear side edges - supports lower drag too, perhaps if it interacts with the Kamel (sp?) back?
Tuft testing when the new vehicles show up will answer a lot of questions. In this case, I'm skeptical of the first claim and was wondering if you' all might have any thoughts. Warning, this is a 'Motor Trend' piece that came out because both Honda and Toyota 'loaned' them the cars.
Bob Wilson
ps. I just put the link in the video reference and converted the 'Motor Trend' reference.
2019 Tesla Model 3 Std. Range Plus - 215 mi EV
2017 BMW i3-REx - 106 mi EV, 88 mi mid-grade
Retired engineer, Huntsville, AL
Last edited by bwilson4web; 03-13-2009 at 11:40 AM..
Reason: Not Car and Driver, Not Car and Driver (too bright to have been them!)