Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
Our intuition is not always correct: what car has a lower Cd: a 80's Corvette (pointy) or a Durango (blunt)? A: the Corvette has a Cd of 0.45 and the Durango is 0.39.
Faulty conclusion, which would only be credible if 100% of the Cd were determined by the first six inches of the vehicle length. The Corvette has a noticeable vertical surface area in front, many sudden, air-catching transitions along its length, a lack of proper radiusing of edges, and a HUGE wake.
The new Corvette has had those areas addressed, and has a Cd about half of the old Corvette, even though it is a similar overall size and shape.
But the old Corvette still has a lower CdA than the Durango.
Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
[Edit: the EV-1 is in the blunt camp, I think; as is the Aptera.]
Some of you guys make it sound like blunt=blunt=blunt. "Blunt" isn't a measurement. There are varying degrees of "bluntness". If the Aptera were any less "blunt", it would be a public safety hazard.
I swear, I could show you a razor blade and some of you would get out your electron microscope and say "See there, it's BLUNT!!!"