I think an inflatable boat tail is a good idea. I would be concerned about inflating it with poisonous gas from the exhaust.
If you look at how parafoil parachutes are inflated by a wind intake, you might find a way to inflate the tail using an opening under the vehicle. If the tail were short enough, it could deflate into a net or holder and hang behind the vehicle when the vehicle is not moving, or moving slow. When vehicle speed picks up, the tail could inflate and form a stable shape. There might be driver or automatic control of when the tail inflates so that it only inflates when the vehicle is moving fast enough to keep adequate pressure to hold the shape of the tail. So the shape should be designed to be realatively stiff when inflated. A pyramid shape comes to mind.
I would assume that a moving inflatable tail would cause turbulence and would not be as effective as a tail that is properly inflated and relatively stable.
I think this is a great idea and worth trying. A prototype could be made out of a simple fabric such as canvas.