I'd like to see vehicles taxed according to weight divided by payload, except that people would just haul sandbags to show the man. The notion that we need heavy armour for protection reminds me of the situation in medieval libraries, where the makers of illuminated manuscripts had begun by putting little metal wear strips on the corners of the covers of these new random-access style scrolls known as books. After a few centuries, the corners had turned to jeweled embellishments showing the importance of the volume, as a frame did for a painting. Unfortunately, these jewels didn't have "matching bumper heights" and ripped the rest of the adjacent book covers to bits, while not protecting their own volume.
If excess capacity were taxed, hitchikers and car pools would suddenly gain favour.
It is tragic that a multi-vehicle family will still seldom have a decent single-occupant or even two-seater available, when that is all that is usually needed. When I'm emperor, that's what you'll usually own, and park at the truck co-op when you have more than a trailer to haul. Bwa ha ha!