Of course there are other variables involved. This is real-world data, not test conditions. The higher probability of frost at 28F, for example, is included here. There's a huge human factor (me) that skews things. Wind is a big one, and rain too. Rigorous statistical analysis this isn't. I have data collected on these other factors, as well. This chart is simply a data-dump, not counting for any of the other factors.
Those points at 71F, for example. The 80 mpg one was with a warmed-up engine from earlier trips, and with a 15 mph tailwind. The 35 mpg was a 1.0 mile trip - should probably not be included in the data.
I debated whether to include the trend line. Clearly that was a mistake. This discussion is detracting from the value of the data itself.
11-mile commute: 100 mpg - - - Tank: 90.2 mpg / 1191 miles